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by assignment


Week 7: May 13-17 : Research paper

Homework Assignments: â€‹â€‹

  • In your own words, write what you have learned about your topic so far and what questions you still have. (1/2 page minimum, sent as google form)

  • Complete any research you still need to do to answer your research question.

  • Finish your introduction paragraph


Week 6: May 6-10 : African Diaspora Websites Presentations, Reparations and start of research paper

Homework Assignments: â€‹â€‹

  • How would you describe the impact of the Transatlantic Slave Trade on the Americas? Use at least two countries as examples in your response (minimum ¾ page, also sent as google form).

  • Should European countries and the United States pay reparations? What kind? To whom? Why or why not? (minimum 1/2 page) (also sent as google form)

  • Finish organizing your binder!

  • Complete at least one additional research card from a secondary source about your topic (page 13 in your packet).


Week 5: Apr 29-May 3 : African Diaspora Websites

Homework Assignments: â€‹â€‹

  • Look at the model site and write down three design choices or elements you saw included in the website. Write down three design choices or elements that you want to include in your site. Model site here; Link to handout here

  • Finish adding in visuals and text to your site. Be ready for tomorrow’s self check.
  • Make sure all parts of the checklist are complete and make any changes based on your self-check.
  • Finish your final website revisions based on today's peer check. Presentations begin at the start of Monday's class.


Week 4: Apr 15-18 : Resistance to Slavery, African Diaspora

Homework Assignments: â€‹â€‹

  • Spring Break Assignment: Complete TIEDIED paragraphs on your country research about the Transatlantic Slave Trade and African Diaspora.

  • Complete one additional research card about African Diaspora culture in the country you chose. Day 3 guide here.

  • How do African Diaspora culture and anti-Blackness affect us today? You can write about any country you choose (1/2 page minimum). Google form here

  • Complete one additional research card about resistance to slavery in the country you chose. Handout here


Week 3: Apr 8-12 : Cortes, Transatlantic Slave Trade

Homework Assignments: 

  • Revise Columbus speech based on the feedback you were given

  • Find two facts about slavery in the country you chose for your project

  • Complete one additional research card about slavery in the country you chose. Research cards and handout from class here. ​

  • What’s something in your own culture that you think helps make you stronger? Explain. (1/2 page minimum; google form here)


Week 2: Apr 1-5 : Trial of Columbus et. al, Mexica/Aztec Society 

Homework Assignments: 


Week 1: Mar 25-Mar 29 

Homework Assignments: 

  • Complete your advisory statement to the king (minimum one page)

  • How would history have been different if the Portuguese had stayed where they were and the Chinese continued to explore? Google form here.

  • Read and annotate secondary source from your trial packet.  




Week Seven, Mar 18-22: Unit 4 Wrap-Up and Unit 5 Intro

Homework Assignments: 

  • Unit 4 TIEDIED paragraph. Handout here. ​

  • Talk about a time in your life when you met or saw someone different from you and what your reaction was -- then and now. Analyze your response (minimum 1/2 page). Google form here

  • Complete the reading and response here


Week Six, Mar 11-15: World Economy Board Games

Homework Assignments: 

  • Nightly homework determined by your group​


Week Five, Mar 5-8: World Economy Board Games Research

Homework Assignments: 

  • Complete the individual brainstorm handout for your topic (page 8 of the project guide)

  • Complete at least two research cards for your assigned subtopics. 
  • Complete the design for the materials that you are in charge of (instructions, pieces, etc.)


Week Four, Feb 25-28: Aztec and Inca Economies, Black Death, Wage Labor

Homework Assignments: 

  • Complete the right-hand column of your ideal economies handout; Block 2: Write a one page response explaining your ideal economy

  • Based on the 14th century documents you read today, come up with three policy proposals that you would use to try to contain Black Death in your city.

  • What should the role of government be when it comes to the health of its people? Use your experience in the city council today talking about the Black Death AND healthcare in the United States in 2019 in your response (minimum 1/2 page). Google form here
  • Analyze the parts of your favorite game on this handout.​


Week Three, Feb 11-15: Indian Ocean Trade, Islamic Empires, West African Kingdoms

Homework Assignments: 


Week Two, Feb 5-9: Trading Game and Silk Road

Homework Assignments: 


Week One, Jan. 29-Feb 1: Introduction to Unit 4--Money

Homework Assignments: 

  • Pick a song that connects to money and analyze the lyrics (google form here)

  • Write a 1-2 page free write response: What has the role of money been in my life?  (google form here)

First Semester


Weeks One and Two, Dec. 19-Jan. 5

Homework Assignments: 


Week Three, Jan. 7-11

Homework Assignments: 



Week Six: December 10-14

Homework Assignments: 

  • Write one TIEDIED body paragraph for your essay

  • You should have at least three body paragraphs completed in your essay by the time the next class starts.

  • Complete your full draft, except for the conclusion.​

  • Do at least 30 minutes of revision on your essay, based on your peer and teacher feedback. 




Week Five: December 3-7

Homework Assignments: 

  • Complete and revise your assembly speeches​

  • Work on your Roman emperor telenovela speech

  • ½ to 1 full page response: Why was so hard to keep democracies alive during the time of early empires? Google form here

  • Complete your essay outline. 




Week Four: November 26-30

Homework Assignments: 

  • Complete your second individual speech for Question 2 for the role play (democracy role play guide).

  • Complete your third individual speech for Question 2 for the role play (democracy role play guide).

  • Complete your prep packet. 

  • Finish the "What Really Happened?" Reading and Response (last page of the packet)




Week Two and Three: November 13-November 21

Homework Assignments: 

  • Complete your individual speech for Question 1 for the role play (pages 13-14 in the democracy role play guide).

  • Choose one of the two primary source documents in the democracy role play guide. Read and answer the questions 

  • EITHER revise your opening statement from class today OR write a response that shows your own opinion about whether government was a positive or negative change for humanity.

  • Respond to the leadership questions on the back of today's handout. 

  • Write one TIEDIED paragraph: How did power change from the early states to early civilizations? Block 1: Complete the presentation preparation questionsBlock 5: Read and annotate about one additional empire from the packet you were given in class




Week One: November 1-November 9

Homework Assignments: 




Week Seven and Eight: October 22-November 1

Homework Assignments: 

  • Complete your TIEDIED paragraph on Unit 1 (page 19 of your museum exhibit packet). You can choose between the following two questions to write your paragraph about:
    How were people affected by place from the early humans in the Paleolithic Era to the first civilizations? OR  How did life change from the early humans in the Paleolithic Era to the first civilizations? 

  • Write 1 page (min) that describes your civilization with all of the parts you’ve been researching.

  • Bring in any materials you need to make your exhibit on Friday/Monday (depending on your block)

  • ​Complete reading at least three primary sources from your group's civilization folder (look for an email from Brett for the link). Take notes on page 10-12 of your project guide. 




Week Six: October 15-19

Homework Assignments: 

  • Read and annotate bell hooks' "Understanding Patriarchy" 

  • Complete the "effects" column in your organizer about your choices for your ideal civilization.

  • Write out a description of your civilization and make a case for why it's the best civilization possible, using cause and effect analysis (about 1 page).

  • Complete your secondary source reading and organizer.



  • 1.17 How did farming lead to patriarchy and sexism and what are the present-day effects?  

  • 1.18 What is SPICE-y about civilizations? What would we want in our ideal civilization?

  • 1.19 How do we read for SPICE in our ideal civilizations?

  • 1.20 What actually happened in the world's first civilizations? 


Week Five: October 9-12

Homework Assignments: 

  • Complete the post-viewing questions from the documentary guide

  • ½ page: Based on the evidence that you’ve read so far, do you think that the Neolithic Revolution was more positive or negative for humans?

  • Complete a TIEDIED paragraph in response to: Was settling down the right decision for humankind? 





Week Four: October 1-5

Homework Assignments: 

  • Complete your reflection and apply for one or more classroom jobs

  • TIEDIED paragraph about unique human traits OR complete reading and questions (depending on your block) 

  • Read/watch/listen to one additional text about what we’ve studied so far from the unit resource page at . Write the main idea of the article and two details you found interesting, either using the google form or in writing.

  • Read and respond to Warsan Shire's poem "Home" 




Week Three: September 24-28

Homework Assignments: 

  • Record your introduction, place description and conclusion and upload all audio files to Google Drive 

  • Podcast is due this week! 

  • Write at least ½ page : Based on what you heard today, how are people affected by place? (also sent as a google form

  • Rewrite your TIEDIED paragraph on loose leaf (or type and share)




Week One and Two: September 12-21

Homework Assignments: 





Week Five: May 29-June 1

May 29: Publishing and Start Presentation Slides

CW: Class slides here; publishing and presentation guide here. 

HW: Work on your presentation slides


May 31: Finish Presentation Slides

CW: Class slides here

HW: Complete your presentation slides


June 1: Prepare Presentation Cards

CW: Class slides here

HW: Finish all presentation preparation


Week Four: May 21-May 25

May 21: Conclusion and Works Cited Page

CW: Class slides here



May 22: Peer Feedback

CW: Class slides here

HW: Begin revisions on at least two paragraphs based on the feedback you received today. 


May 24: Patterns in your writing

CW: Class slides here. 

HW: Complete revisions on at least two additional paragraphs.


May 25: Revisions

HW: Your FINAL research paper is due Tuesday, May 29th 


Week Three: May 14-May 18 

May 14: Reflection on Past Writing and Start Outline

CW: Class slides here

HW: Complete topics for your outline.


May 15: Finishing Outline, Matching Evidence and Drafting.

CW: Class slides here

HW: Finish three TIEDIED body paragraphs. You should have an introduction, background information paragraph, and three body paragraphs by the start of class on Thursday.


May 17: Incorporating Evidence and Analysis

CW: Class slides here

HW: Finish five TIEDIED body paragraphs. You should have an introduction, background information paragraph, and three body paragraphs by the start of class on Thursday.


May 18: Self-Check

CW: Class slides here

HW: Finish everything in your draft except the conclusion and works cited page. 


Week Two: May 7-May 11 

May 7: Research, Day 2: Primary Sources

CW: Class slides here. You can find the primary sources we used on the Unit 5 resource page

HW: Come up with 1-2 options for how you want to focus your research. 


May 8: Research, Day 3: Research Question, Key Terms + Find Your Own Source

CW: Class slides here. You can find the guide for creating your research question and key terms here

HW: Come up with a preliminary answer to your research question. (And at least seven research cards due at the start of class Thursday)


May 10: Thesis Statements and Background Info

CW: Class slides here. You can find the guide for writing here

HW: Find any additional information you need for your background paragraph. Bring in a fact and its source and/or a research card as evidence.


May 11: Feedback Reflection and Introduction Paragraph

CW: Class slides here

HW: You need to have your introduction paragraph and background information paragraph(s) done by the time class starts Monday. 


Week One: April 30-May 4 

May 3: Research, Day 1: Secondary Sources and Research Cards

CW: Class slides here and introduction packet here. You can find the articles we used on the Unit 5 resource page

HW: Read at least one more article. Bring in at least two research cards with information from the article you've found. 


May 1: Topic Selection

CW: Class slides here. Introduction to topics here

HW: Test corrections


April 30: Contact Simulation

CW: Class slides here.

HW: Read and annotate article about group-think at summer camp.




Week Eleven, April 23-27: Review and Test 

April 23

HW: Study Unit 4 Flash Cards, Complete at least 10 Unit 1-3 Flash Cards


April 26

HW: Study for tomorrow's final! 


April 27

HW free night. Prepare to start your research paper on Monday! 


Week Nine and Ten, April 9-20: Wage Labor + Board Game Project 

April 20

HW: At least 10 Unit 4 Flash Cards


April 11-17

HW:  Each night, you will split up tasks with your group to complete the project by the start of class on Thursday, April 19


April 9

HW: Option 1: Read and annotate this article about living on minimum wage

         Option 2: Read and annotate this article (mountainous level) about raising wages. 

         Option 3: Write an opinion article about wage labor, including what you think would

         make a fair wage. Include multiple forms of analysis, including cause and effect and

         compare and contrast.

CW: Class slides here and here are the charts and questions we looked at in class.


Project 5: Economic Board Games

April 10

HW: Read at least one more source from the website (or find your own) and write down at least two additional facts.

CW: Class slides here


Week Eight, March 26-March 30: Islamic Empire's Golden Age, Economies in Latin America

March 26

HW: Trade and the Spread of Islam Reading and Questions

CW: Class slides here


March 27

HW: Write at least one page that describes your ideal economic system, based on our discussion today.  

CW: Class slides here. Inca and Aztec Economic Systems and discussion questions here. Ideal economy planner here


March 29

HW: Board game topic research

CW: Class slides here

Happy Spring Break! 


Week Seven, March 19-March 23: Introduction to Project, World Economies in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa

March 19 (Block 1+3) and March 20 (Block 2)

HW: Deconstructing games handout

CW: Class slides here


March 20 (Block 1 + 3) and March 22 (Block 2)

HW: Life as a Trader Reading and Questions (scroll down to last two pages)

CW: Class slides here and class reading here.  


March 22 (Block 1+3) and March 23 (Block 2)

HW: Indian Ocean Trade Reading and HW 

CW: Class slides here and game guide here.


March 23 (Block 1+3)

HW: Finish your world trade map.

CW: Class slides here and world trade maps here


Week Six, March 12-March 16: Literary Analysis Essay

March 12

HW: Revise your essay draft; FINAL ESSAY DUE THURSDAY 

CW: Class slides here


March 13


CW: Class slides here (including sample presentation slides)

        How to prepare your literary analysis presentation guide here.


March 15

HW: Congrats on finishing your essay! HW Free Night!  

CW: Class slides here


March 16

HW: Minimum 1/2 page free write: Should the United States give reparations? To whom? What kind? Why or why not? Google form here .   

CW: Class slides here


Week Five, March 5-March 8: Literary Analysis Essay

Essay 2: Literary Analysis Essay

March 5

HW: Read the character summaries and answer the questions

CW: Class slides here


March 6

HW: Complete Introduction and First Body Paragraph.

CW: Class slides here


March 8

HW: By class tomorrow, you should have the Introduction and 2-3 Body Paragraphs.

CW: Class slides here


March 9

HW: Complete entire first draft (due Monday).

CW: Class slides here


Week Four, Feb 26-March 2: Homegoing, Week 2! 

February 26th

HW: Read and annotate H's story to page 166. 

CW: Class slides here. Handout of characters with historical context here

         Character summaries for Part 1 here


February 27th

HW: Read and annotate Willie's story. 

CW: Class slides here. Discussion question guide here


March 1

HW: Read and annotate the first part of Sonny's story. 

CW: Class slides here. Discussion rubric here


March 2

HW: Read and annotate the second part of Sonny's story. 

CW: Class slides here


Week Three, Feb 12-15: Homegoing! 

February 12th

HW: Reading Response #1

CW: Class slides here


February 13th

HW: Reading Response #2

CW: Class slides here


February 15th

HW: Complete the pages that you were given for homework reading and complete the evidence tracker

CW: Class slides here.


Week Two, Feb 5-9: Economy and Culture in West African History

February 5th

HW: Complete your letter or opinion piece on the reported comments from President Trump about Africa and Haiti at a recent meeting about immigration.

CW: Class slides here. The homework link also includes the reading we did in class.


February 6th  

CW: Class slides here and the documentary that we watched clips of you can find here.

HW: Complete reading and questions about West African culture in the Asante Kingdom


February 8th 

CW: African Music and Dance Field Trip at the Symphony Space! 

HW: No homework


February 9th

CW: Class slides here

        Reading about Quilombolas in Brazil is here

        Reading about the Maroons in Jamaica is here 

HW: 1-2 TIEDIED paragraphs: How did the Maroons of Jamaica and the Quilombolas of Brazil use their West African culture to resist slavery? Google form here


Week One, Jan. 30-Feb 2: Introduction to Unit 4--Money

January 30th 

HW: Pick a song that connects to money and write a TIEDIED paragraph analysis  (also in your email as a google form)

CW: Class slides here 


February 1st 

HW: Write a 1-2 page free write response: What has the role of money been in my life?  (also in your email as a google form)

CW: Class slides here and the text we used in class is here


February 2nd 

HW: Complete the History of Money reading and questions

CW: Class slides here



First Semester


Week Two, Jan. 2-5

               Here are the saint stories we read in class today.


Week Three, Jan. 8-12


Week Four, Jan. 16-19

  • 1/15: MLK Jr. Day/No School -- you continue to study for your final exam

  • 1/16: FINAL DAY 1: Short Response.

                 Practice questions for Long Response homework

                 Thursday is the last day to turn in any missing work.

  • 1/18: FINAL DAY 1: Long Response.

  • 1/19: End of the semester! You're halfway through your freshman year of high school! 



Week Eight, and two days: Dec 11-20

  • WINTER BREAK HW: Unit 2 Review Guide

  • 12/18 and 19: Apply to at least one screenwriting competition before Thursday. Provide proof by printing out the confirmation page or taking a picture of it and emailing it to Brett. 

  • 12/15: Complete publication materials from the checklist. You can find the screenwriting competitions list here and the cover letter template here

  • 12/14: Complete all revisions of your script. Final script due by 8:40am tomorrow. 

  • 12/12: Do at least 30 minutes of revision on your script based on the feedback you received today. Final, published script due Friday, December 15th at the start of class. 

  • 12/11: Complete your script! Full draft due at the start of class tomorrow.


Week Seven: Dec 4-8

  • 12/8: Complete your script through the climax.

  • 12/7: Complete your script through the rising action.

  • 12/5: Write a summary of how your script will begin, including characters, setting, and action.

  • 12/4: Pre-Brainstorming for your script. Write 2-4 ideas: What's a message about power you want to share with audiences?

  • Project #4: The Power Script


Week Six: Nov 27-Dec 1

  • 12/1: Complete the graphic organizer on theme from the play.

  • Extra Credit Written response, 1-2 pages: How is the theme of power central to The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity? What is the message that the playwright wants us to understand about power? Use specific evidence from the text and TIEDIED paragraphs in your response.

  • 11/30: Finish reading Day 3 section (up to page 50) and complete all questions

  • 11/28: Finish reading Day 2 section (up to page 31) and complete all questions

  • 11/27: Finish reading Day 1 section (up to page 11) and complete all questions


Week Four and Five: Nov 13-Nov 21

  • 11/20: ½ to 1 full page response: Why was it so hard to keep democracies alive during the time of early empires? Google form link here 

  • 11/16: FINAL, revised essay due by 8:40am Monday.

  • 11/14: Completed essay draft due at the start of class on Thursday.

  • 11/13: Complete half of your essay by the start of class Tuesday.


Week Three: Nov 6-Nov 10

  • 11/10: Write at least three paragraphs of your essay by Monday. 

  • 11/09: Complete the evidence organizer for you essay. It's the one that's on the back of the first page of the handout you were using in class today. Click on the project page below or in the menu if you need additional sources to help. 

  • Essay #1: Continuity and Change Over Time Essay

  • 11/06: Take one of the 3 individual writing pieces you did in class for this project and extend to a full speech. Homework **note: if any of the other parts of your project packets are incomplete, make sure they are done by Thursday. If you need these documents, click on the project page. 


Week Two: October 30-Nov 3

  • 10/30: Block 1: Write 1-2 TIEDIED paragraphs: Are there good and bad ways to use power? Homework

  • 10/30: Blocks 2+3: Complete the reading and organizer for the Persian and Mauryan Empires Homework

  • 10/31: Block 1: Rank the five civilizations you learned about from which one you think is the best to the worst and explain your reasoning. Homework

  • 10/31: Blocks 2+3:  Complete the reading and organizer for the Mayan Empire. Homework

  • Project #3: Athenian Democracy Role Play

  • 11/2: Complete three step reading of the two documents in the Athenian democracy role play prep packet, including completing the graphic organizer. Homework-Project

  • 11/3: Prepare your arguments for Monday’s assembly: 1) Should metics and slaves be allowed to vote? 2) Should Athens rebuild their empire? Homework-Project


Week One: October 23-26

  • 10/23: Power in Song (google formHomework

  • 10/23: Sample TIEDIED paragraph: What is Power? Classwork

  • 10/25: Google Doc Folder of primary and secondary sources about power in early states: Classwork

  • 10/26: Read one additional document from the google docs folder today and write a TIEDIED paragraph describing how it shows an example of power in the early states. Homework

  • 10/27: One of the empires we are going to study this unit is Rome. Please read the article about slavery and resistance to slavery in ancient Rome from this link. Then, respond with 1-3 TIEDIED paragraphs: How did slaves in Ancient Rome show their own power? using either the google form or on loose leaf. Homework




Week One and Two: September 11-19


Week Three: September 25-29


Week Four through Six: October 2-23

  • Patriarchy Response: Extend the writing that you did in class to a full 1-2 page response. The questions were: 

    • How did the Neolithic Revolution cause patriarchy? 

    • What are the effects of patriarchy today? The bell hooks essay and the paragraph on the start of patriarchy can be viewed here.

  • Project #2: Early Civilization Museum Exhibit

  • Unit 1 Review Guide

  • 10/23: Rewrite at least two of your test responses, using the skills that we went over in class today. For models of high level student writing, click here


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