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​Week Five, March 3-6: Economic Board Games

  • Find at least two additional facts you could use in your game

  • Work on your materials for at least 30 miinutes


​Week Four, Feb 25-Feb 28: Bubonic Plague and Start of Games

  • What should the role of government be when it comes to the health of its people? Use your experience in the city council today talking about the Black Death AND healthcare in the United States in 2020 in your response (minimum 1/2 page). Google form here

  • Complete your individual brainstorm sheet in your project packet


​Week Three, Feb 10 -Feb 14: Islamic Empires and Trading Empires in West Africa


​Week Two, Feb 3 -Feb 7: Trading Game, Silk Road, Indian Ocean Trade


Week One, Jan. 29-Feb 1: Introduction to Unit 4--Money

Homework Assignments: 

  • Complete the classroom jobs application 

  • Pick a song that connects to money and analyze the lyrics (google form here)

  • Write a 1-2 page free write response: What has the role of money been in my life?  (google form here)


Weeks One and Two, Jan. 2-10

Homework Assignments: 

  • Journal Response #3

  • Journal Response #2
  • Journal Response #1
  • Writ​e four big picture questions on the notetaker based on the clip we watched of the documentary episode "Story of God (linked here)"


Week Three, Jan. 13-17

Homework Assignments: 

  • Journal Response #7

  • Journal Response #6
  • Journal Response #5
  • Journal Response #4



Week Seven: December 16-20

Homework Assignments: â€‹

  • Finish all revisions: FINAL ESSAY DUE AT THE START OF CLASS

  • Complete at least half of your revisions

  • Finish your draft


Week Six: December 9-13

Homework Assignments: 

  • Write at least one paragraph of your essay 

  • Complete pages 6 and 7 of your essay guide 

  • Complete the Is Our Democracy Threatened questions and handout or write another scene of your script

  • Finish the brainstorming questions in step two of your Roman emperors handout


Week Four and Five: November 25-December 6 

Homework Assignments: 

  • Complete what really happened reading and questions in packet

  • ​Make any revisions to your speeches to show mastery of the skills you made goals about. Whole packet due in the next class.

  • Complete Speech 4 (and 3 if you did not finish that in class)

  • Complete Speech 2

  • Complete Speech 1

  • Complete Primary Source 2 (Socrates Allegory of the Cave)


Week Three: November 18-November 22

Homework Assignments: 

  • Finish your drawing about the Kush queens or complete the reading and response about racism and sexism in the writing of history on the back of today's handout

  • Choose one podcast, video or text from (also emailed to you) and write a summary of what you learned.


Classwork: â€‹


Week Two: November 12-November 15

Homework Assignments: 


Classwork: â€‹

Week One: November 4-November 8

Homework Assignments: â€‹

  • Choose one additional document from the Power in Early States packet you were given in class. Read and annotate. 

  • Power in Song Response: Choose a song that relates to the theme of power and write a response that explains what kind of power it shows.

  • Power in Current Events: Pick one current event and explain why you think this shows someone building or using power in the right or wrong way (½ page min. -- also sent as a google form)




Week Eight: October 28-Nov 1 

Homework Assignments: 

  • Finish typing all captions and bring in any materials you want to use to create your exhibit with your group tomorrow.

  • Finish your presentation script and complete your exhibit! 

  • Redo any project parts that you have received feedback on or you know now needs revision.


Week Seven: October 21-25

Homework Assignments: 

  • Finish reading your background information and fill out the organizer on page 8 and 9 of your project guide

  • Finish your assigned primary and secondary sources and complete pages 12-14 of your guide

  • For each document that you’ve been assigned of the top 5, write a brief summary (about three sentences each) of what the document is about and what category (or categories) of SPICE it fits into.


Week Six: October 14-18

Homework Assignments: 

  • 1/2 to 1 page: What is patriarchy? How did it start and how do we see the effects today?

  • Fill in the "effects" column on the right hand side of your SPICE handout

  •  Write out a description of your ideal civilization and make a case for why it's the best civilization possible, using cause and effect analysis (about 1 page). 

Block 3+4 you are one day ahead, so you can look to the calendar for next week for Friday's hw. 


Week Five: October 7-11

Homework Assignments: 

  • Complete Progress Report Reflection

  • Read through the chart about the Paleolithic and Neolithic Eras. For each area of life, check off which lifestyle was better.

  • TIEDIED Paragraph: Was settling down the right decision for humans? Last page of the document organizer

Block 3+4 you are one day ahead, so you can look to the calendar for next week for Friday's hw. 




Week Four: October 2-4

Homework Assignments: 

  • Read and response to Warsan Shire's poem "Home" - From what you read, why are people leaving their homes? What do they face when they leave? And what is your reaction to the poem?

  • Guided TIEDIED paragraph about migrations, past and present 




Week Three: September 23-27

Homework Assignments: 

  • Choose one text from the Early Humans page on the class website and write three things you learned. 

  • Complete the reading and questions on early human evolution and climate.

  • Make a list at least ½ page long: What are all of the ways that people can be affected by a place? Include examples that you heard in today’s podcast




Week Two: September 16-20

Homework Assignments: 

  • Finish podcast! Final project is due at the start of class on Monday. 

  • Historical Research on your place: Page 12 of your guide

  • INTERVIEW(S)! Record your interview(s) and sound clips. In order to receive credit, all audio files MUST be uploaded to your vhs google drive account

  • Listen to ten minutes of a podcast from this site or find your own and write down three things you noticed or heard




Week One: September 9-13

Homework Assignments: 




Vanguard High School

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New York, NY 10065

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