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The links below are resources about all of the major topics that we study in class.
Everything in blue is a link. Find something that interests you and read, watch, or listen.
Just looking for assignments? Click here.

How the Crusades Worked (Podcast and text)
Stuff You Missed in History Class, 2008
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2014
Crash Course World History: The Crusades (Video)
Crash Course World History, 2014, 2010

The Crusades: An Arab Perspective (Video and text)
Al-Jazeera, 2016

Primary Source: Richard the Lionheart Massacres Prisoners During Crusades
Life of Saladin, interpreted by newsela

Urban II: Speech at Council of Clermont, 1095, Five Different Versions
Medieval Sourcebook, Fordham University
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