Spanish Colonization
You can also look the topic Pre-Columbian indigenous societies for more information on this topic

Spanish Colonization Overview (Video)
Khan Academy

The Story of Indigenous Slavery and Colonization
Teaching Hard History, Learning for Justice

Colonization and the Transatlantic Slave Trade
Lowcountry Digital History Initiative (LDHI)
The Aztecs + Cortes

The Fall of the Aztecs (text and images)
PBS, 2000

On the Trail of Hernán Cortés (article)
The Economist, 2014

Inside the Aztec Empire (Video)
Documentary Channel, 2015

The End of the Aztec Empire (Video)
BBC, 2007

Moctezuma: the leader who lost an empire (article)
The Telegraph, 2009

Mexico City Dig Uncovers Traces of Aztec Resistance to Spain
Smithsonian, 2017

Primary Source: Dona Marina, Cortes’ Translator: Painting
Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, University of Texas, Austin.
Primary Source: Of how the Spaniards entered Moteucçoma’s private home
Florentine Codex. ca. 1570-1585
Primary Source: Cortes Describes the Aztec Capital of Tenochtitlan, 1520
Florentine Codex. ca. 1570-1585
Primary Source: Collection of Primary Sources from both sides
variety of sources -- see link

Primary Source: Mayan Account of the Spanish Conquest
A Mayan poet talks about the Spanish takeover of a different part of Mexico

The Mexica (Aztecs) Didn't Think Cortes Was a God (article)
Lapham's Quarterly, 2019
The Incas + Pizarro

Cajamarca and the End of the Inka Empire (podcast and text)
Stuff You Missed in History Class, 2018

Guns, Germs and Steel: Conquest (video)
PBS, 2005

Inca Empire Conquest (article)
PBS: Guns, Germs and Steel, 2005

The Conquest of the Incas (text and images)
PBS: Conquistadors, 2000

Collision at Cajamarca (book chapter)
from Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond, 1997

Pizarro traps Incan emperor Atahualpa (text and video), 2009

Collection of Primary Sources about Pizarro and the Incas
Library of Congress

Primary Source: Narrative of the Conquest of Peru
Francisco Xeres, 1547

Primary Source: View of the Incas From a Conquistador
Pedro de Cieza de Léon: Chronicles of the Incas, 1540